Bruce C. Webb in Conversation with Maximilien Chong Lee Shin and Robin Hueppe, Cite 104, ed. Reto Geiser (2023).

Sorting Debris – Another Look at the Modernist Urbanism Experiment, CoSMo Journal  22, (June 2023).

Shattered Dreams – Sleeping Visions: The International Building Exhibition That Never Happened, PLAT 11: Soft (2022).

Finding Rifts – A Slow Dance, Paprika!, 7 (April 2022), Yale,

“The land will stay”: Lessons for inclusive, self-organizing housing projects, City, Culture, and Society 28 (March 2022).

A Favela Como Exemplo para Comunidades Auto-Organizadas em Berlim, RioOnWatch (January 2020), translated by Sofia Kawall.

Impact of Colors, Recycle, Reclaim, Educate by Painting Providência, RioOnWatch (Nov 2019).,